Author = Maaroof Zarei
Synthesis of chitosan-melanin complex from marine waste and evaluation of its UV absorbing activity

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 31 May 2024


Tayebeh zarei karyani; morteza yousefzadi; fatemeh sedaghat; maaroof zarei

Extraction and characterization of UV-absorbing compounds from sea urchin Echinometra mathaei

Volume 8, Issue 8, December 2020, Pages 99-115


Maryam Kokabi; Morteza Yousefzadi; Samad Nejad Ebrahimi; Maaroof Zarei

Bioactive compounds of sea cucumber (Holothuria leucospilota) added to epoxy resin as environmental friendly antifouling coats

Volume 8, Issue 2, August 2020, Pages 47-66


Mehrnoosh Darya; masoud sajjadi; Morteza Yousefzadi; Iman Sourinejad; Maaroof Zarei