Comparative study of the basic levels of antioxidant enzyme activity superoxide dismutase and catalase enzymes of fish grouper (Epinephelus coioides) in in vitro and in vivo models

Document Type : Research Paper



In present study, two natural antioxidant enzyme, catalase and superoxide dismutase, activities were compared in different conditions, in vivo and in vitro models, and weights (100, 500 and 900 g) in grouper Epinephelus coioides. After wiping the fishes with, the liver was removed and digested by collagenase type 4. Then, the separated cells were cultured in Lebowitz (L-15) medium and incubated at 30°C for two weeks. In the next stage of the study, three grouper in each group were used. According to the results, a statistically significant difference was observed between two models (P˂0.05). A significant correlation was also observed in the activity of antioxidant enzymes among weight groups (P˂0.05). Taken together, according to the results, despite the significant differences between them it was concluded that the in vivo and in vitro models are so similar; therefore, cell culture can be utilized in biological studies of antioxidant enzymes in liver as an alternative method to in vivo model.
