Physiological and phytochemical properties study of some cyanobacteria Anabaena sp. in Guilan Ponds



Heterocystous filamentous cyanobacteria Anabaena sp. plays an important role in
primary production of aquatic ecosystems wetlands. In the summer cyanobacteria
bloom can occur in the nutrient rich waters (eutrophication). They also produced
animportant source of secondary metabolites. In this study Anabaena sp. from
Guilan wetlands were isolated and purified. Identification was carried out using
reliable identification. At first, growth curve of Anabaena sp. were measured in
three replicates for 20 days in growth chamber in terms of temperature, 24 ± 2 0C,
photo period 16 hours light and light intensity 60 μmol photon m-2S-1. In order to
measure chlorophyll pigments, two different methods were used: 1) 90℅ ethanol
(China method) and 2) 90℅ aceton (American method) and the phycobiliproteins
assay were performed based on Siegelman method. Phytochemical tests for the
presence of alkaloid, tannin, flavonoid and saponin in the ethanol extract were
used.Basedonthe results of measuring the amount of chlorophyll pigments, no
significant difference between the two methods. However China method due to
the non-toxic and inexpensive solvent and also measure timeless is preferred.
Based on results, the presence of significant amount of phycobiliprotein pigments
in cyanobacter were shown. Unique color and antioxidant properties of
phycobiliprotein pigments due to the wide applications in the fields of medicine
and health care. The alkaloids and saponins were shown as the major bioactive
compounds in cyanobacteria isolated from the native wetlands in Guilan.
