Biotechnical breeding and reproduction of Catla catla carp using synthetic hormone induction of spawning

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of south Iran Aquaculture Research Institute

2 Head of the aquaculture department of Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institue

3 Research Assistant of South Iran Aquaculture Research Institute



Catla (Catla catla) is one of the species of Indian major carp that has rapid growth and distributed thedistributed the parts of freshwater rivers of northern India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Burma. This project carried out determining of artificial propagation techniques of catla ( for(for mass production) in the years 2020. In this study, a number of 16 female broodstock with mean (± SD) weight and length 3183±76.01kg and 568.33±1.05 cm respectively.Therespectively. The suitable temperature was 29-29.5. The amount of Ovapas injection was 0.5cc/kg weight of fish. Injection was intramuscular (I.M) and one step. The male broodstock injection take 2 hours after femalesfemale’s injections with a dose of 0.2cc/kg. Spawning success was 100% in broodstock.Latency period was 6.11±0.08h. Catla has non-stickness eggs, number of ova per gram and cc was1271/16±21/29 and 1259/83±35/22 respectively. The mean egg in broodstocks was recorded 581.33±52.62 gr. Size of the non-fertilized egg,fertilized egg and water-absorbed egg was1080/9±17/64micron,1641/62±14/39 micron and3370/46±24/65 micron,respectively. The fertilization rate, hatching rate and survival rate were 91.01±17.64%, 80.66±1.7% and 70.81±2.83%, respectively. The period of incubation of catla egg was 16h 29min in the 29-29.5ºc. Total length newly hatched larva was 4.55±0.06 mm.


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