Investigating genetic diversity of Caspian sea salmon (Salmo trutta caspious) population of Tunkabon area using microsatellite markers

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Payam Noor University of Isfahan

2 Gilan university

3 Ministry of Education of Gilan-Rasht




Salmo trutta caspious has a great economic value, and its generation is at risk today due to human and natural interference. Knowing about the genetic status of this fish can be important in restoring its stocks. In this research, microsatellite markers have been used to investigate the genetic diversity of Caspian sea salmon. For this purpose, 30 salmon were collected from the population of Cheshme Kili Tonkabon river. After DNA extraction, amplification was done with 5 pairs of microsatellite primers by PCR method. Then the amplified products were electrophoresed using polyacrylamide gel. The resulting bands were scored and the amount of heterozygosity was calculated using Pop Gene software.

In all the microsatellite loci, heterozygosity was observed, the highest value for the Str591INRA locus was 0.7561 and the lowest value for the Str543INRA locus was 0.4061. According to the results, the studied population had genetic diversity. Therefore, they can be used for hybridization methods to improve their reserves.


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